Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Road to Understanding

In my current Master's course, Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education, we have been given an opportunity to challenge our current thoughts and ideas about the education of young children outside of the U.S. by establishing contact with early childhood professionals in other countries.  We are also put to the task of choosing and exploring the ways in which a specific early childhood organization supports early childhood communities and provides access to resources through their website.  This will be an ongoing assignment, but I wanted to take a moment to explain my goals and thought process behind my choices.

Currently, in my home state of Texas, hundreds of children are crossing the border each day from Mexico and Central America.  These children are refugees leaving their families and risking their lives to flee extreme violence and poverty within their own countries.  While the issue is gaining much national media and political attention, little has been said about what we plan do to support these children in their integration into the American legal, medical and educational systems.  In an effort to understand what I can do to support these children and contribute to positive outcomes for them and others who have immigrated to the U.S.,  I've chosen to contact early childhood professionals via email in both Mexico and El Salvador and intend to update my blog with our correspondence.

I have also chosen the National Head Start Association as the organizational website I wish to study as they will likely absorb many of these children into their program.  With minority populations increasing nationwide, this organization must address the growing need for more professional development and community outreach to support the diverse cultural, linguistic and educational needs of the children they serve.  It is my goal upon completion of this program to have gained the insight, understanding and education necessary to assist them in their efforts.


  1. Angela,
    Most blogs this week say the same thing so responding with any meaning has been a challenge. I chose your blog because your thoughts are so well put together, and the choices you have made to further study are all consistent with a final goal in mind.
    Also, I must admit I felt a little connection because I also have my bachelor's in accounting, but am now in child care. Soo much more interesting, rewarding, and fun! I look forward to reading the results of your communications.

  2. Angela,

    What a great idea to contact those two countries. You are right-the United States has a huge issue to address. I feel terrible for those children that are just looking for a safe place to live. Every parent wants the very best for their children, so who could blame them! Have you heard back from their person yet? I look forward to reading your future posts!


  3. Angie,

    I chose to follow your blog because of the creative name you gave it! I admire and respect your choices in helping these immigrant children adapt to their new environments. I am also close to the Mexican border in Southern California but we are not seeing the influx it sounds like Texas is. I'm sure Head Start will be an excellent resource! I will look forward to seeing how this journey of international connections work out for all of us!

    Leigh Ann

  4. Hi Angela,
    I really look forward to reading more about your findings throughout this course. Good luck making connections in Mexico and El Salvador. It sounds like that would be very beneficial to you as a teacher in your geographical area. The topic is very political and people have different opinions about the children and families entering the United States, but I like how you pointed out the bottom line. Let's try to do our best to educate all the children we work with to the best of our abilities! Great post.
