Thursday, April 3, 2014

"I'm Done Making My Kid's Childhood Magical"

A WONDERFUL article about the pressure parents are putting on themselves.  The key word for me is "making".  It's time for a rest stop, folks!


  1. I too think this is an excellent article for any and all parents to read!! I, as a parent myself, totally understand the times of trying to make everything perfect. Having a school age child, I see so many moms "competing" with each other and trying to one up everyone when it's not about the stuff that should make our kids happy! My kids highlight is just to go to the park for a while, yes they like all the technical/electronic stuff and sometimes I get caught up in my cleaning, cooking, laundry, school, work can't forget about the simple things!! Excellent article, thank you for sharing!

  2. Angie,
    You have such good articles that you chose. I love this one the most though because I can relate to it as a single parent. I work hard everyday trying to make it a perfect world for my children when in reality there is no perfect place. I want everything to be the best for them and better than it was for me. My children don't worry about things as much as I do and they tell me to not worry as well but it is not easy to do. A very good article.
